DOCUMENTATION FOR APENDIX III DATA This file contains 315 records with data on cases and controls from the Leisure World study of endometrial cancer as related to treatment with estrogens for menopausal syptoms and other risk factors. See the article by Mack et al in NEJM 294:1262-1267, 1976 for a full description. The variables are as follows: Number Name Description Codes/Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 SET Matched set indicator 1-63 2 CASE Case-control indicator 0 = Control, 1 = Case 3 AGE Age in years 55-83 4 GALL Gallbladder disease 0 = No, 1 = Yes 5 HYP Hypertension 0 = No, 1 = Yes 6 OB Obesity 0 = No, 1 = Yes; 9 = Unknown 5 EST Estrogen usage 0 = No, 1 = Yes 5 DOSE Dose of conjugated 0 = 0 1 = 0.3 2 = 0.301-0.624 3 = 0.625 4 = 0.626-1.249 5 = 1.25 6 = 1.26-2.50 9 = Unknown 6 DUR Duration of estrogen 0-95 use (months) 96=96+ 99=Unknown 9 NON Non-estrogen drug 0 = No, 1 = Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: 1) Unknown obesity codes grouped with nonobese in Chapter 7 analyses 2) All results shown in Chapter 7 involving AGE are erroneous! 3) For models 2-6 in Table 7.9C on page 267, the DOS and DUR columns should be interchanged.