Barbara H. Braffet

Barbara H. Braffet
Associate Research Professor of Epidemiology
Dr. Braffett joined the Biostatistics Center in August 2004. She is currently the Co-Principal Investigator of the Data Coordinating Center for the NIDDK-sponsored DCCT/EDIC (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Interventions and Complications) study and Principal Investigator of the Coordinating Center for the TODAY2 long-term follow-up study of the Treatment Options for type 2 diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study. In addition, Dr. Braffett is currently the Coordinating Center PI for several DCCT/EDIC ancillary studies, including one designed to explore the role of DNA methylation in diabetes complications progression and metabolic memory (Epigenetic Markers of Complications and Metabolic Memory in the DCCT/EDIC Cohort), another designed to evaluate the relationship between hypoglycemia and cardiac rhythm in patients with type 1 diabetes (Relationship of Hypoglycemia and Arrhythmia in Long-term T1D), and a third designed to examine how type 1 diabetes affects neurocognitive impairments in older patients using MRI techniques and cognitive testing (Effects of Biomedical Risk Factors on Neuro-Cognition). Her recent work has focused on the effects of demographic, traditional, and diabetes-related risk factors on the risk of micro- and macrovascular disease in type 1 and 2 diabetes and the extent to which these factors co-progress over time, employing various longitudinal and survival modeling techniques, and assessments of mediation.