Professional Service

The Biostatistics Center believes in giving back to community in the form of professional service. Many faculty serve on: DSMBs, Special Emphasis Panels and Grant review committees for the NIH and the Department of Defense, FDA Advisory Committees, and the Board of Directors or other committees for professional societies such as the Society for Clinical Trials and the American Statistical Association.


Examples of service include:

Society of Clinical Trials
  • John Lachin served as the President (2002-2003).
  • Four members have served on the Board of Directors: Scott Evans (2014-2018), Heidi Krause-Steinrauf (2009-2013), John Lachin (1982-1986), and Elizabeth Thom (2017-2021). 
  • Scott Evans is the Chair of the Trial of the Year Committee.
  • Toshimitsu Hamasaki is the Co-Chair of the 2021 Program Committee
  • Kimberly Drews and Kathleen Jablonski serve on the Membership Committee.  
American Statistical Association
  • Scott Evans serves on the Board of Directors
  • Scott Evans serves on the ASA Task Force on Statistical Significance, P-Values, and Replicability
  • Toshi Hamasaki is Chair of Committee on International Relation in Statistics
  • Scott Evans is Chair of the Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics
  • Scott Evans is the former Editor-in-Chief of CHANCE. 
  • Kathleen Jablonski is past Chair Section on Statistics in Epidemiology and the past Publications Officer.  She also founded the Mentoring Committee within the Section.
  • Ionut Bebu is a member of the Program Committee for the 2020 Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory Industry Workshop
  • Scott Evans is a former President of the Boston Chapter.
  • Scott Evans is a former Chair of the Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences Section.
  • Scott Evans is a former Chair of the Statistics in Sport Section.
American Diabetes Association
Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative
  • Scott Evans serves on the Steering Committee for the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI). He is also a Team Leader on the Real World Evidence Project.
Editorial Service
  • Scott Evans is the Editor-in-Chief of Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases (SCID).
  • Toshi Hamasaki is the Editor-in-Chief of Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research (SBR).
  • Scott Evans is the Co-Editor of a Special Section of Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) entitled Innovations in Design, Education, and Analysis (IDEA).
  • Ionut Bebu is Associate Editor of Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research and of Chilean Journal of Statistics.
COnsortium of METabolomics Studies (COMETS)
  • Ella Temprosa is Vice president of comets, a 40+ cohort consortium of metabolomics studies and also chairs the data harmonization committee for the group.
International Biometric Society
  • Toshi Hamasaki is a member of the International Program Committee for 2020 International Biometric Conference
CONsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement
  • Toshi Hamasaki is a member of the Steering Committee for the Adaptive designs CONSORT Extension (ACE) Project, an extension to the CONSORT Statement for adaptive clinical trials.