Biostatistical Methods (First Edition)

John M. Lachin

John Wiley and Sons, 2000

ISBN: 0-471-36996-9

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Thank you for your interest in this book. I have established this site to facilitate the use of the book for personal study and in courses.

Numerous errors have been detected to date in the first printing. Many but not all of these errors were corrected in later printings. The printing of your copy of the book can be determined by the lowest number on the line at the bottom of the copyright page (iv, not numbered). Click here to see the errata page for the first printing, or here for the second printing, or here for the third printing. If you feel that you have uncovered an error, please share it with me so that I can post an appropriate correction or clarification. I apologize for this inconvenience.

This site provides ready access to the programs and principal data sets presented in or referred to in the book, and my supplemental SAS programs that provide many computations not provided by the standard SAS procedures. This site will also provide supplemental problems or data sets that I and others find helpful. I welcome suggestions for additional problems, data sets and programs.

This site will be updated periodically. In the meanwhile, please contact me if I can provide any additional information.

John M. Lachin

[email protected]