


Twice Recognized in Drazen's Dozen as Studies that Changed Medical Practice


Our work has been recognized in reports to the US White House and Congress.


One of our projects, the MOMS study, received the Society for Clinical Trials "Trial of the Year" Award



GW Biostatistics Center Marks 50 years of Transformational Research


The Harvard Health Letter named one of our projects the #1 advance in medicine


We received one of Clinical Research Forum's Top Ten Awards.



Collaborative Research Projects

The Biostatistics Center provides leadership and expertise to collaborative research projects in areas such as diabetes, maternal-fetal medicine, cardiovascular disease, and infectious diseases. Research studies conducted by the Center have been recognized in reports to the United States President and Congress.

Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

GRADE is a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of 4 randomly-assigned glucose-lowering therapies (insulin glargine, glimepiride, liraglutide, sitagliptin) plus metformin in 5047 participants with type 2 diabetes over 4-7 yrs of follow-up on metabolic status, side effects, quality of life, ꞵ-cell function and vascular complications.

Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG)

The Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG) is an international cooperative clinical research network funded by NIAID to prioritize, design, and execute clinical research that will impact the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC)

The primary goal of the EDIC study is to assess the long-term benefits of early intensive blood glucose control on the future development of diabetes-related complications, in participants with type 1 diabetes originally enrolled in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT).

Restoring Insulin Secretion Study (RISE)

RISE includes 3 randomized clinical trials examining whether aggressive glucose lowering will lead to recovery of pancreas function (β-cell function) in adults and youth with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and early type 2 diabetes.

Lifestyle Interventions for Expectant Mothers (LIFE-Moms) Consortium

The Lifestyle Interventions for Expectant Moms (LIFE-Moms) Consortium is designed to determine, in pregnant women with overweight or obesity, whether various behavioral and lifestyle interventions reduce excessive gestational weight gain and subsequent adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes and obesity in offspring.

SNP-based Microdeletion and Aneuploidy Registry (SMART)

This multi-center prospective observational study is designed to track birth outcomes and perinatal correlates to the Panorama prenatal screening test in the general population among ten thousand women who present clinically and elect Panorama microdeletion and aneuploidy screening as part of their routine care.

D.C. Cohort Longitudinal HIV Study (DC Cohort)

Since 2009, the DC Cohort is a longitudinal research project designed to collect clinical data from HIV-infected outpatients receiving care at fifteen clinics in the District of Columbia.

Metabolic Dysregulation and Cancer Risk Program (MeDOC)

MeDOC is a trans-NCI research program with participation from 4 National Cancer Institute divisions, 5 research grants from different institutions, and a CoC. The goal is to advance the current understanding of cancer’s connection to obesity and metabolic dysregulation in order to improve screening and risk prediction.

CORD clamping among neonates with Congenital Heart Disease (CORD-CHD)

CORD-CHD is a multi-center randomized clinical trial being conducted at multiple hospitals across the United States and Canada. The trial is comparing umbilical cord clamping at 120 seconds vs. umbilical cord clamping at 30 seconds in 500 neonates born with congenital heart disease. Outcomes include short-term postnatal and two-year neurodevelopmental outcomes.


Collaborative Research Projects

Completed Projects



Methodological Research


Biostatistics Center researchers advance the center’s mission of collaborative research by developing and implementing innovative practical methods for the design, execution, data monitoring, analyses and reporting of clinical studies. Current Biostatistics Center research includes the design and analyses of studies that focus on patient-focused outcome measures that integrate efficacy and safety, personalized treatment, cost-effectiveness analyses, response-adaptive randomization, and pragmatic evaluation of diagnostic technologies.


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Education and Training


To help advance the field of biostatistics research, the Center faculty and staff are active in a wide array of educational and training initiatives, including teaching at professional meetings, publishing educational manuscripts and books, hosting training programs for students and scientific collaborators, and providing mentorship opportunities.


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